A Nigerian emerged the overall best candidate worldwide in the Intercollegiate Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) exams

 A Nigerian who schooled at Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma has emerged the overall best candidate worldwide and also scored an unimaginable score of 90.60% in Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) exams. This is the highest score by an individual ever. The Publicity Secretary Alli University College of Medicine Alumni, Oghomwen Eguavoen informed made this known to the people of Ambrose Alli University via a press release. 

He said;

Goodevening Dear Colleagues Im happy, very happy and elated to announce that one of our Own Dr Itamah Usifo has destroyed a record. He has emerged the overall best candidate worldwide in the Intercollegiate Membership of The Royal College of Surgeons (MRCS) Part A May 2023 Examination Results released earlier this week show he scored an Unimaginable 90.60% this exam has been recorded as the most difficult in the past 15years. He has indeed proved himself and Done AAU proud Let’s not allow only bad publicity from our Dear College, let’s spread this news as widely as possible & also celebrate him On behalf of the President & Entire Executive Council of The Ambrose Alli University College of Medicine Alumni, I heartily congratulate Dr Usifoh.

 Oghomwen Eguavoen Publicity Secretary Alli University College of Medicine Alumni


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