The Youth; Strength and Dynamism

I write to the youth…

The hope for tomorrow...

The rising light as the former fades out…

Youth is dynamism: strength of muscle, depth of thought, breadth of emotion, the energy of ambition!

The dynamism of youth lies in its enormous energy. A young soul can gear toward construction or destruction. The birth, life, and resurrection came to give youth that constructive power. A mighty power that is in us, creating zeal and an intellectual revolution, bringing forth love and constructive transformation. The power is the strength of a divine person and the depth of divine enlightenment. 

Young people are fearless, brave, impetuous, dynamic, and self-confident. Young people have the ideas, creativity, and great energy to shape a better world. Young people are full of hope and through innovation and imagination, they are problem solvers and have great potential to generate positive social change in the world.

First, you must position yourself properly for global opportunities. How?

Find your niche.

 Niche is that position particularly suited to the person that occupies it. 

To influence your world, you must first discover your niche; this can be ascertained by your gifts, talent, hobbies, or better, discovering the areas where your productivity on a 100%.

Individuals are separated into cadres of authority by pursuing opportunities in their different niches.

Develop your Skills.

Skill is an ability acquired by training, capable of providing solutions to problems.

In recent times, it is important to develop and sharpen your skills as you await opportunities. The story of David in the Bible is a clear illustration of a developed skill finding an expression and solving a huge problem. Goliath was a giant with an atypical physique, his defeat required calculated steps. I can boldly tell you that if David never practiced and mastered the skill of focus, calculation, strategy, and trajectory, it would have been the opposite story.

More than your CV, develop yourself; it's better to be the value itself. 

Then Study.

The importance of knowledge can never be overemphasized. You're a compendium of what you've been taught, what you've read, and what you've mastered.

Prov.23.23 - Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

2Tim.2.15 - Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.

Engage in active training programs.

When you've discovered your niche, in a bid to sharpen your skills, engage in training programs. In programs of this sort, you may enroll as a participant and then move on to train others.

A skill that's been developed and is not been given a medium to express and test itself won't achieve mastering. The result of any successfully learned skill is mastering; the ability to produce repeated levels of success flawlessly.

 Seek Opportunities.

It's important to note this; you must put yourself out there, the hard work, the preparations, the patience, all would be worthless until you go out there and apply yourself. Don't wait for opportunities to come knocking, create them.

Quite often, we keep saying there are no opportunities, I don't agree completely. Ask yourself, if an opportunity shows today, can this version of you deliver appropriately? Because we often pray for opportunity without making plans for that day. You can't be rehearsing when you've been called to perform, that's an error! 

Preparation is an important factor to maximize the gift of opportunity. Opportunities meet the prepared.

Build Valuable Relationships.

God's blessing comes to men through men. God will uplift you through a man. God will grant you platforms through men, God will meet your needs through men; don't trivialize access to men of value. Every of God's blessings in this kingdom comes from God to men through men. 

Prov.20.29 - The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head [suggesting wisdom and experience].

Prov.6.6 - Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways and be wise! - 

Our youthful time is slated for preparations and actions, for as the sun is up, you can work but when it's dark, you must return home to rest. Plan, Pray, Prepare, and the good Lord will grant your heart's desires.

Ehikwe Ifesinachi Glory


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