Medical School Burnout: 7 Tips to Cope With It


The mental health crisis in medical school is hardly news to anybody. Different studies have shown that medical students are almost twice as likely to have depression. 

There is never enough time to cover the syllabus. Throw in the regular strikes and accreditation troubles in most Nigerian medical schools, and it seems like a never-ending battle. How do you keep from losing yourself in medical school:

Sleep — Yes, I know you’ve heard this a million times, but I’ll repeat it. Sacrificing sleep in medical school will only cost your mental health long term. In addition, your academic performance will suffer. 7-8 hours of sleep is ideal, but you may add 10-20 minute power naps for quick daily recharge. 

Keep doing things you love — Medical school is a marathon, not a sprint. So whether it’s sports, writing, reading, or art, hold on to your hobbies; They’ll help you stay sane. 

Friendships — Your social life is vital too. All your relationships shouldn’t revolve around your studies. Make some non-medical friends to help you stay grounded. 

Food — Nourish your body to preserve your mind. Always make room for fresh veggies and fruits. Fatty fish such as tuna also help reduce anxiety. 

Listen to your body — Your body will alert you when you’re pushing its limits. Instead of chugging another cup of coffee when you’re tired, take a break. 

Speak up — Don’t hesitate to seek help when you feel overwhelmed; you’re not alone. Seek mentorship from fellow students, doctors, and academic staff. 

Prayer — God is never too busy for us. Amid the chaos, anchor yourself to Jesus, who will guide you through the storm. 

It takes time to recover from burnout. Be patient, and speak with your FECAMDS family for encouragement. Take care.


Jennifer Anyabuine.

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